Covid-19: ASAC and CARTE ROSE CEMAC support the Government in the response.

The Association of Insurance Companies of Cameroon (ASAC) represented by its Director General, Mr.

Covid-19: demonstration of national solidarity by Accent Media.

On behalf of the Minister of Public Health, Dr FANNE MAHAMAT, Director of Health Promotion at the Ministry of Public Health, received today, 07 May

Covid-19: Le point de l'évolution de la pandémie au Cameroun le 07 mai 2020


Le point de l'évolution de la pandémie au Cameroun fait état ce jour de 958 actifs dont 115 hospitalisés avec 46 sous Oxygènothérapie, 1221 guérison et 86 décès. Par ailleurs, nous venons de recevoir 5.000 tests de diagnostic rapide comme don du Chef de l'Etat. RESTONS CHEZ NOUS!

COVID-19: The point of the evolution of the pandemic in Cameroon on the 7th may 2020


Today reports 958 active including 115 hospitalized with 46 on Oxygen therapy, 1221 recovered and 86 deaths. In addition, we have just received 5,000 rapid diagnostic tests as a donation from the Head of State. STAY AT HOME!

Covid-19 Cameroun:optimisation de la prise en charge des patients Covid-19.

Le Ministre de la Santé Publique a procédé ce jour 28 avril 2020 à la visite des Centres Spécialisés de Prise en Charge, récemment créés par arrêté

Covid-19: Nana BOUBA Group expresses its solidarity.

Within the framework of national solidarity in connection with Covid-19, Madam Director of Health Promotion received on behalf of the Minister of P


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